
What Snow White Said

I have a thing for fairy tales. It started young, and I’m guessing it’s here to stay. So, naturally, I watched Snow White and the Huntsman last night–which was dark. Super dark. The kind of interpretation that leaned more to the Brothers Grimm end of the spectrum. (Spoiler Alert: I’m about to discuss the end-of-movie stuff. Avert eyes if needed!)

At the end of the tale, Snow White and the Queen have their inevitable showdown.  “You cannot have my heart,” Snow says, speaking to the Queens quite literal desire to take that heart. And this simple declaration of Snow’s has lingered in my mind all day.

It’s so easy to surrender our hearts. I have given mine to people, to dreams, to tasks, to sorrows… the list stretches long. And many times this giving away happened subtly, slowly, unconsciously, but surely. I have since learned how much it matters where we place our hearts. Our thoughts, our energies, our focus, our actions, these are all affected by where are heart dwells.

Our creations are affected too.

As artists (and that’s all of us) we must be able to echo the words of Snow. When the opposition comes–in all its many forms–we must be bold enough to speak out. To choose whether we will surrender our hearts or not. This decision must be intentional and daily (sometimes minutely!) if we are to claim the triumph that Snow does at the end of her epic.

Of course, I don’t succeed at this all the time. But I know how it feels to live in victory. And that is only because of His hands and their unique ability to hold my heart with perfect care.

What do you think about all this heart talk? How do you think a creation reveals a heart’s allegiance?

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7 thoughts on “What Snow White Said

  1. It’s too bad I am not reading this yet…since I really want to see this movie, lol. But I promise I’ll come back to it and read later!:) Love you girl!

    • sammiebennett on said:

      Totally understand! I think you’ll like it! We’ll have to have a post-movie discussion. Over Starbucks, of course.

  2. Shirley Warren on said:

    This is so true. If only we could learn young what it means to give our hearts to something. I think we don’t understand how precious our hearts are and that we need to guard them saving them only for the best.

    • sammiebennett on said:

      So agree, Ms. Shirley! The guarding is so, so key. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! It’s a great encouragement!

  3. Heather Ostalkiewicz on said:

    I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of loving how epic stories say so much about life and God. “How do you think a creation reveals a heart’s allegiance?” I thought this was an incredibly profound question, one that is making me look at myself and making me see God differently was well. Thanks Sammie:)

  4. Pingback: “Snow White” ~ #MondayPrompt for week 26/11 – 02/12/2012 « Phoenix's Poetry & Stories

  5. Pingback: “Snow White” ~ #MondayPrompt – The Bee Writes…

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